“Sushi Cat” emerges as the ultimate crypto meme coin, blending the whimsy of internet culture with the power of blockchain technology. Inspired by the charm of feline memes and the global love for sushi, Sushi Cat token aims to capture hearts and portfolios alike. With its playful branding and community-driven ethos, Sushi Cat sets out to create a vibrant ecosystem where investors can ride the waves of internet fame while enjoying the thrill of crypto trading. Join us as we embark on a journey to become the reigning champion of the crypto meme world, one paw at a time.
- Website Launch
Telegram Launch
Twitter Launch
- Crypto Marketing Campaign
Community Engagement Campaign
Contract Creation and testing
Contract Deployment
Contract Verification
- Launch
Dextools Information Updated
- List
on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko
- 500+
- 1
million Marketcap
Youtube Campaign
Twitter Campaign
- 1000+ Holders
Crypto marketing Agency Partnerships
Crypto Expo Partnerships
Crypto Influencer Partnerships
Community Voted Utility Released
Exchange Listing Hotbit
Exchange Listing BitMart
Exchange Listing Gate.io